Explore Anjou Area

Curiosities of Anjou: Unveiling Hidden Gems and Surprises

Les trogodytes, les trésors de l'anjou, à proximité d'Ô Gîte Bleu dans le maine et loire en Anjou

Enjoy the exceptional curiosities of Anjou. Explore the mysteries of the troglodytes, admire the beauty of the twisted bell towers that adorn the landscape, stroll through charming villages frozen in time, and let yourself be carried away by the picturesque charm of the windmills. An adventure at the crossroads of history and charm, not to be missed during your visit to Anjou.

The Treasures of Anjou:
The Essential Places not to be missed

les moulins, les trésors de l'anjou, à proximité d'Ô Gîte Bleu dans le maine et loire en Anjou


The Epinay mill: Authentic windmill from 1822, located between Nantes and Angers, in the heart of Anjou.

village de charme en Anjou, les trésors de l'anjou, à proximité d'Ô Gîte Bleu dans le maine et loire en Anjou

Charming Villages

Discover the authentic beauty of some of Anjou’s charming villages. Chenillé-Changé, Chênehutte, Grez-Neuville, Thorigné d’Anjou, Champteussé-sur-Baconne, and Le Coudray-Macouard offer a picturesque journey through the history and preserved character of the region. These villages, each with their own unique charm, invite you to stroll through picturesque alleys, admire preserved architecture and feel the authenticity of life in Anjou.

Les trogodytes, les trésors de l'anjou, à proximité d'Ô Gîte Bleu dans le maine et loire en Anjou


Underground and in the cliffs, the troglodytes of the plains and hillsides of Saumur form a vast underground network unique in France. More than 1,200 km of galleries have been dug by man over the centuries for living, sheltering and working.

Les clochés Tors les trésors de l'anjou, à proximité d'Ô Gîte Bleu dans le maine et loire en Anjou

Tors: The twisted bell towers

The twisted bell tower is a historical curiosity.
Around the Baugé region,
You will discover six twisted bell towers.

What to do in Anjou

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